Page 146 - ZPL II Programming Guide
P. 146
126 ZPL Commands
Download Format
Description The ^DF command saves ZPL II format commands as text strings to be later
merged using ^XF with variable data. The format to be stored might contain field number
(^FN) commands to be referenced when recalled.
While use of stored formats reduces transmission time, no formatting time is saved—this
command saves ZPL II as text strings formatted at print time.
Enter the ^DF stored format command immediately after the ^XA command, then enter the
format commands to be saved.
Format ^DFd:o.x
This table identifies the parameters for this format:
Parameters Details
d = device to store Accepted Values: R:, E:, B:, and A:
image Default Value: R:
o = image name Accepted Values: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters
Default Value: if a name is not specified, UNKNOWN is used
x = extension Fixed Value: .ZPL
For a complete example of the ^DF and ^XF command, see ^DF and ^XF — Download
format and recall format on page 11.
Example • This example is generated using the ^XF command to recall this format:
45541L-004 Rev. A ZPL II Programming Guide 9/15/06